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Coming out as a TS lover

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March 24, 2013
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Coming out as a TS lover
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I have always felt a deep attraction for TS's. I love women too but just seeing an attractive TS gives me this visceral reaction that is very powerful. My GF says that she would have no problem if I was with a TS (I never have been).

I started this thread because my, admittedly quick, search did not find another about us TS fans.

Thing is though, I feel bad about the fact that I still would not reveal my feelings to many.

Anyway... thoughts, comments?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`EH I wouldnt feel bad about being afraid to admit it, Im transgender and I still think people who like transgenders are freaks.

No offense.. i guess.

Point is , its not exactly an accepted thing, no reason to be some sort of shining example of progressiveness by shouting it to the world. If you WANT to fight for our rights and all that awesome, but if not no shame in keeping it in the closet.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`i am happily married and i tell everyone about tg people-and how hot they are. i am proud of each and everyone of them like they were my children or something. it takes serious commitment and though the transitioning may take some time, the confidence they exude when tg's finally become the people they feel they are... that kinda s--- changes the world

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Coming out as a TS lover

trevanian wrote: I have always felt a deep attraction for TS's. I love women too but just seeing an attractive TS gives me this visceral reaction that is very powerful. My GF says that she would have no problem if I was with a TS (I never have been).

I started this thread because my, admittedly quick, search did not find another about us TS fans.

Thing is though, I feel bad about the fact that I still would not reveal my feelings to many.

Anyway... thoughts, comments?

Honestly good for you. You seem comfortable with who you are and what you like. I truly respect that. Feeling bad about not revealing your feelings might be normal i guess, as I don't go out of my way telling people i know about what i am attracted to.
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October 13, 2013
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PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Personal feelings are not something the world should know anyway. Whatever you do in private is called such for a reason- unless you like being an open book and leaving nothing to the imagination so to speak because everythings out like a yard sale.

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Posted:     Post subject: no disrepect

I don't think this is something to "come out" about. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but a fet--- doesn't seem like a thing to announce to everyone like a way of life does. Ya know?

Young, dumb, and full of cressdressing
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Posted:     Post subject:

`There is no winning in admitting that you like mtf transsexual women. You will always be in the losing position and they would be paranoid about intentions.

The only real way to win over a transsexual woman is EXACTLY the same way that you win over any other woman. You want to know how? By being yourself and be being normal.

For example ... You don't exactly win a woman over by telling her that you are secretly attracted to women. She CERTAINLY would not find that attractive. Why would you tell a transsexual that you are secretly attracted to transsexuals? Logic follows from here.

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October 13, 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:43 am    Post subject:
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This is still on the first page, now I know my first reply is at least four years old.

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Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:23 am    Post subject:

August 14, 2020
Do you (do we) really want him (them) to treat us as if we were
“any other woman”?
Does being treated like any woman imply that they don’t realize that we
aren’t like other women. Most of us aren’t post op. Most of us know better than
to surprise a man with a body that isn’t what they’re expecting. Found out in half an
hour or half a year, by assault or by a kiss (by too many) it isn’t safe to have so successfully fooled them. We know this is an absurd reaction because its all about
us. They’re...secondary.
Really! Its why we can’t flirt with a guy on a bus. Or return a tentative inquisitive look with any kind of inviting smile. Not in my lifetime. Probably not in yours.

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